SBE Partner


SBE & Siro partner to empower organizations to improve closing rates, average ticket sizes, and overall revenue.

Siro Logo

Siro & SBE are in the business of bringing the best out of your team. Every owner understands the power of the right processes to follow, but they don’t fully understand how they can leverage this to maximize revenue.

Siro’s collaboration with SBE ensures no dollar is left on the table by creating a culture of repeatability, accountability, and empowerment. By understanding what is being said in the home, owners can feel confident that their sales and services teams are continuously improving.

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What is Siro?

Siro records and transcribes face-to-face conversations to unlock missing revenue. Leadership teams use Siro for strategic insight to understand what is happening in the field. Reps and technicians love using Siro to build successful habits by listening to real examples from top performers on their own team.

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Record Conversations. Reach record Sales.

  • 10XRide‑along time savings

  • 36%Close rate improvement

  • 60%Reduction in employee turnover

No more guessing

It used to be impossible to know what was happening in the field.

Hear exactly why sales are lost and how techs represent your brand.

Exclusive Rebate for SBE Members

SBE members receive a 7.5% rebate upon onboarding with Siro.

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SBE members will be eligible for this special offer once onboarding has kicked off.

Mutual clients must be in good standing and active with SBE and Siro. Rebates are normally paid quarterly, within 30 days following the end of each quarter, checks payable to Service Training Evolution, LLC. Mailing Address: 2320 E. Baseline Rd, #495 Phoenix, AZ 85042. SBE will pay out all rebates to each SBE member each quarter, itemizing all rebates from Siro. ACH services are also available to Chase bank.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the AI work?

  • How does recording work?

  • Is recording sales conversations legal?

  • Who is Siro a good fit for?