SBE Partner


What does Bluon do for your team?

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Technicians waste too much time looking for information and tracking down support. Bluon helps to solve this problem and gives back billable hours, directly improving your bottom line!

No more hunting for manuals or wiring diagrams
Easily find original parts and replacement part options!
Get some work done while we handle the support calls
Crank up your revenue per tech!
Remarkably easy onboarding

Techs love using Bluon, and Management loves the results.

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See what our customers have to say after joining!

Bluon Testimonial

“Bluon really helps our technicians deliver top-tier service.”

“As the Owner & Service Manager, it’s freed up my time immensely.”

“Onboarding process was super easy.”

“The ability to have manuals & diagrams all in one place is fantastic and unmatched.”

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Bluon creates more time, so you can do more work

  • SimpleUp and running in as little as a day!

  • Save HrsAvg. 3‑6 hours saved per tech per week!

  • Free Trial30 Days to try it out. Risk‑free, No commitment!

30 Days Risk Free for SBE Members

Try Bluon risk‑free for a month, no contract commitment!

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